Chapter 2632 Moment Of Insanity:>71
- Precious leaned close and spoke about a time so remote complex life on the earth was a dream. She spoke about the First Ones and their arrival upon this world. They had locked away the Thanatons. They were the ones that wove the magic in that very piece of music. Nick scoffed at the term magic but if the music could be weaponized he was all for it. His attention and that of everyone else was diverted from the symphony to a breaking news report.
- Rough Landing:
- Fitzwilliger's Diner or as anyone within a two hundred mile radius called it, Fitz's. Like many of its kind the diner had seen its heyday during the 1950s and 60s when the more adventurous driver took the scenic route between Las Vegas and Phoenix. Fitz's father had built the diner after returning from the Great War. The gas pumps were brand new and shiny and the diner was on every tourist map they made. Now the sun and the heat and time had dulled everything from a bright red to a dull brown. The original pumps were sold to a collector ten years back and the new ones did just enough business to earn their keep.